Monday, May 4, 2009

The Purple Room

We have a "bonus room" in our basement that we call "The Purple Room." It doesn't count as a bedroom because it doesn't have a proper window, as I understand it. Tangereen recently cleaned it out and took it over - she made a little nest for herself inside the large closet and now spends most of her time down there, reading, listening to music, talking on the phone, and being a teenager.

This is the outside of the door leading into the Purple Room. I painted it to match the awesome "linoleum" which isn't really linoleum - we found a roll of this amazing stuff at a thrift store in Montana many years ago, and it became the inspiration for Linoleum Hogass Records (my original business name, and still the name for the indie record label we are working on creating). The actual "linoleum" is now covering our bathroom floor, and I recreated the pattern for this door.

The Purple Room is right next to the band room, and Chuck and some friends put a sound proof window in with the idea that the Purple Room will be a sound room for recording - sometimes it is used for this, and sometimes we just cover it with a curtain.

Even the inside of the closet is painted purple, and that's where we store all our old tapes, which Tangereen is now enjoying while lurking in her new lair.
So that's the Purple Room!


LeaKarts said...

I love your purple room! I can't wait to have a house someday that I can paint however I want to--how fun!

Amanda said...

Your house is so freakin' cool! I especially love all the great built-in stuff, like hooks and tape holders. I imagine it's a teenager's dream house too.

Dayna Collins said...

Oh, how I would have loved to have had a purple room when I was a teen.